What is Tinkuy?

Tinkuy: Gathering of the Textile Arts is an international conference organized by the Centro de Textiles Tradicionales del Cusco and Andean Textile Arts. The four day event is held in the city of Cusco, Peru and brings together textile artists and enthusiasts, art historians, anthropologists, and many others to celebrate the wealth and diversity of our textile traditions. We invite you to learn more about the event by exploring this site.

What is the CTTC?

The Centro de Textiles Tradicionales del Cusco is a non-profit organization that promotes the empowerment of weavers through the sustainable practice of Peruvian ancestral textiles in the Cusco region. Through workshops, opportunities, and the promotion of their textile art, the CTTC enables weavers to maintain their identity and textile traditions while improving their quality of life. Learn more about CTTC by visiting their webpage.

What is ATA?

Andean Textile Arts is an organization dedicated to supporting the people and communities of the Andes in their efforts to preserve and revitalize their textile traditions. ATA has helped to build shelters for weaving associations, helped develop the museum Weaving Lives, and continues to support the CTTC's Education Department through events like Tinkuy. To learn more about ATA, please visit their webpage.



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